Tested by the internationally accredited testing agency, Technical Systems Testing. After being tested by Technical Systems Testing, Cherry Red Online Casino was found to be fair with big winners happening often. Cherry Red boasts a long list of previous winners with many of the amounts being above $8,000! One lucky player even won a huge jackpot of $30,000! And those were just from the past month. While it doesn’t happen as often as one would like, the agent from Cherry Red we talked to said that they have had several winners into the mid $100,000’s.
Cherry Red Online Casino offers unbeatable transparency. Normally online casinos do not want you to be able to track your wages. Cherry Red has a different view of that believing transparency and excellent customer service are the most important elements of there business. Cherry Red offers a database in which players can log onto to see transactions statements, wager amounts, and even the date of all bets. We really enjoyed this option.
Customer service that makes you believe in service again. When we called up their customer service department we felt like we were treated like a valued member, and we hadn’t even made a deposit yet. It was a great experience. While many online casinos offer a personal casino manager to their VIP customers, we feel that being a VIP here will be an unparalleled experience (if you do become one, please let us know!).
At the end of our review for Cherry Red Online Casino we found them to be one of the best up and coming online casinos. In a few years, their may not be a better online casino. Add a tournament feature and a track record and this place will be sweet! If you are into HUGE bonuses (up to $7,777 after ten deposits!) and being treated the way you deserve, Cherry Red is the casino for you!